Wine of the Week

This site's
nice links, too!

Top 10 Percent of All Wine Sites
Robin Garr's "Wine Lovers' Page" has rated this site to be one of the TOP 10% of all wine websites.

May, 1999 Feature Site

Viinilehti, the Finnish wine magazine recommends 'Wine of the Week'.

Look for Sept 8, 2000 & Jan 20, 2001 - nicely put links, indeed.

Food & Wine Online
June 7, 1998
"Wine of the Week is a very innovative site that all wine lovers should take interest in. Not only great wines, but great design as well."

The London Times
The Internet Edition of The London Times linked 'Wine of the Week' on Oct.4, 1997 in Susannah Jowitt's article.

Wine Technologies
I consider it an honor that Wine Technologies, the producers of Robert Parker's wine software has linked my 'Wine of the Week'.

MikroBitti WEB
MB WEB's and MikroBitti magazine's 'Pick of the Web' 3/98

Wave of the Day
The Wave of the Day Jan. 8, 1998

Beatrice's Fab Finds - Yahoo
Red Wine of the Week was selected into Beatrice's Fab Finds - Food & Wine - in April, 1997.

Linkkiopas - RadioCityNet

Linkkiopas starLinkkiopas starLinkkiopas star




Laila's Award

Rhymester Far Out Award

Gloriana Class Act Award

The Award Ward

My Cool Award

The Pitt Pendelums - Pendelum Prize

Artmakers' Studio

The Holy Banana Thinks This Site Is Worth A Peek

Bill Atwell's Pick of the Week
Bill's Pick of the Week - April 20, 1997

Crazyboys Site Award

On April 17th, 1997 This site was awarded "Hot Site of the Week"!

Calle's Very Best Choice

Wine of
the Week