Feb. 27, 2007 till next entry Some five minutes of fieldwork among the vegetation on our patio. These little green bugs seem to have a-household-for-three going on. The French have, ofcourse, made that phrase;-) If you enlarge the picture (by clicking it), you'll notice how the faces of the bugs (from left to right) become greener. But we have no idea what that means in that household. Milk thistle (ENG), Maarian ohdake (FIN) This interestingly designed, but nastily stinging fellow, has a needle on its every side. He used to be just a thing barely above the grass some weeks ago. Now he's risen to the height of one's belly. It's not a nice idea at all to accidentally fall on it. The same fellow is now growing a tiny but endearing flower - ofcourse surrounding it by stinging things. It will be interesting to observe what will become of that small start. [ If you see only this frame, click here to see the complete diary ] |